The guest stars of “The Wild Rover” posted many tweets and photos while filming the episode. They each gave a behind the scenes look at the episode.
Brian Letscher (Liam Finch), Christina Cox (Maggie Finch), and Jeremy Valdez (Todd) live tweeted with fans and provided some behind the scenes tweets.
Ooh! Well, alright fine; I'll go play with the lovely people at Castle. Now if they'd only send me a script…
— Christina Cox (@ReallyChristina) February 9, 2013
Stoked to be guesting on @Castle_ABC this week! #ABC #Castle
— Jeremy Ray Valdez (@JeremyRayValdez) February 12, 2013
@whereboochelle Yes!!! They are all fantastic.
— Jeremy Ray Valdez (@JeremyRayValdez) February 13, 2013
Worked with the lovely and talented @Stana_Katic today. #PigmyGoats #GoatsInGeneral
— Jeremy Ray Valdez (@JeremyRayValdez) February 13, 2013
Very tight pants tomorrow on #Castle better head to @MokshaYogaLA & get sweaty! Rough girls & tight jeans go together like Dingos & Babies
— Christina Cox (@ReallyChristina) February 20, 2013
Happy Wednesday! For those who asked: My episode of #Castle airs 3/25/2013. No spoilers, just me and the tightest pants in Hollywood.
— Christina Cox (@ReallyChristina) March 20, 2013
“@Mrs_Amelia: check out Secret Service Tom from #Scandal on #Castle. From top good guy to low life bad guy ”. How the mighty have fallen.
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
I'm playing a bad guy on @Castle_ABC #castle tonight. I even have some facial hair. Tune in and see if I get the electric razor…
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 25, 2013
“@phatluvbug: @bletscher lookin' good on Castle!!!” Its the leather
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
“@seamusdever: Great bad guys @bletscher and Michael Rodrick. great partners through this whole journey. #99Castles” Great work…Fenton!
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
“@seamusdever: Shit's bout to get real @bletscher. #99Castles”. Word. You chopped my trachea…ouch.
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
“@NCGalLuvsCastle: @seamusdever @bletscher love the part coming up on the dock ”. Damn you, Ryan!
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
@seamusdever great work, Seamus, truly. A pleasure glaring at you.
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
Thanks for the fun tonight @Castle_ABC and @ScandalABC fans alike–y'all are fantastic. Night, night.
— Brian Letscher (@bletscher) March 26, 2013
@seamusdever @nikkiandnora Umm, me? I blame the need for every episode to have a bad guy. I'm not evil, just written that way!
No @seamusdever 's were injured in making of last nts ep. I however almost fell off of my high heels while throwing that punch. #99Castles
— Christina Cox (@ReallyChristina) March 26, 2013
@rodneyaowen Well thanks! It was a great set to work on and reunite with @seamusdever Being evil was the icing on the cake!
— Christina Cox (@ReallyChristina) August 31, 2013
Juliana Dever also joined in.
“@JenniferLemay1: did u n @seamusdever meet on the show, or before” Before. We met 11 years ago Mar5, @ a bookstore. Married 7yrs this May
“@Zeeree_Xoxo: So when will Jenny be back on Castle? I miss your face!” Start work on Thursday. Just read script. HOLD ONTO YOUR HEART!!!
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 9, 2013
“@juliedecout: do we need lots of tissues around?” Oui, but also a friend to squeeze and a bag to hyperventilate into. #goodwriting
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 9, 2013
Back to work for a few more scenes on #Castle. Heading to a set other than the precinct. V. Exciting. #HowIspentmyValentinesDay
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 15, 2013
Thank you @Stana_Katic for a great evening on set. 'Twas wonderful to spend time with you.
And it's not a #Castle scene till @Jon_Huertas gets slapped. #backtowork
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 22, 2013
It's like a carnival on set tonight. Coffee trucks, ice cream trucks, Tommy burger trucks. I'll never sleep after this much junk food.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 23, 2013
Watching @seamusdever on the monitors right now. Holy perfection @AndrewBikichky how do handle filming all that handsome??
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 23, 2013
Success! I got to hug not only @TerriEdda but @AndrewWMarlowe too! #amazeballs #Castle and also #icecream ;P
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 23, 2013
That's a wrap on 5×18, kids. This was a tough one, I left it all out there, I hope you enjoy it. Airs March 25th. #Castle
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) February 23, 2013
Today's the day! My character returns to #Castle AND we get to find out more about Det Ryan's past. Or as I like to call it, Slapfest 2013!
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 25, 2013
She also live tweeted the episode.
Hmmmm Kevin Ryan didn't encourage Siobhan, but he didn't DIS-courage her either. What's Jenny supposed to think?? #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@tressilynne: @CleverDever are they real slaps or stunts” real slaps. I watched him get hit 63 times. His face was really red. #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@shesindange_aaa: @CleverDever what were you thinking when seamus was kissing the other lady??” I was fine, but I was sad for Jenny.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@VirginiaM_: @seamusdever I bet @CleverDever giggled a little when Ryan got slapped” the whole cast & crew giggled. EVERY TIME. #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
Hmmmm Kevin Ryan didn't encourage Siobhan, but he didn't DIS-courage her either. What's Jenny supposed to think?? #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@imgoingtocrash: was it interesting to see @seamusdever play this kind of character? #99Castles” He used to ONLY play bad guys, so no.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
MOM: The crying looked real. ME: It WAS real MOM: Oh, I thought it was acting. I have no words. #TextsFromMyMom. #Jennyisback
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@bobbychicken: @CleverDever Does Jenny wish Kevin had a different job? #99Castles” she knew what he did when she married him. But yes.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@SleepyInNJ: I want more scenes between @CleverDever and @Stana_Katic! #99Castles” so great to finally do a scene w @Stana_Katic #girltime
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
MOM: Does Seamus still have a contract? ME: Why? MOM: Is he gonna be killed? Again… #TextsFromMyMom #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@seamusdever: @CleverDever was my hero in that last scene.” Awww, thanks babe. It was a thrilling scene to shoot with you. <3 #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@britt0512: what was the best part about working with your hubby aka @seamusdever #99castles” 1) kissing 2) he's a brilliant actor
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
This scene was cut way down. It originally involved @seamusdever and some hesitance over a cup in a bag. #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
No, you two just keep kissing. I'll be over here… 6 inches from your face!! #Jennyisback
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@jensingslead: Awesome performances tonight! Is there an award for best on screen/real life couple ever? I want more!” Can we make one?
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@MakeItTender_x: how weird was that scene for you guys?” Not weird. Just felt bad for hubs' face. And Jenny. Felt bad for Jenny.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@ashleydennise: What! I normally never curse but @seamusdever kissing that's other woman brought it out! Why?!” Bc we expect better of him.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
Now I'm pissed I brought Kevin a sandwich. I cut the crusts off and everything. #Jennyisback #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
Jenny is a fashion buyer. How else do you think Kevin can afford that natty wardrobe. Samples!
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@ShippingCaskett: does it make it easier to play Jenny since you're actually married to Seamus? #Jennyisback” we have a shorthand.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@always_castle: what was the hardest thing to accomplish while shooting this episode?” not being able to take a nap on a 16 hour day.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
I mean seriously, should I be happy he's leaving to go under cover? With his ex-gf?? Answer: NO #Jennyisback #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
Tell it Javi, Ryan has Jenny! Why's he being so cray? #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
You know what? Mr. Whiskers can suck it. #99Castles #Jennyisback
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@xraydiva24: Awww Jenny… @CleverDever you looked like you needed a hug. #Jennyisback” I needed like 20 hugs! #99Castles
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@sarau2: Hola! what was the most challenged thing that you did in tonight's episode?” Wearing 50 pins in my hair. No naps possible.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
Yes!! Jenny & K-Bex scene! Need more of these.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@AlakazamPantha: How long has Kevin and Jenny known each other on the show @seamusdever @CleverDever” since S1. Remember the ugly tie?
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
“@Heidi_910: me & my friend are arguing on whether or not Jenny was crying in that scene where Kevin left, clear it up?” Only after he left.
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
Meanwhile… Jenny is still waiting at home to hear her husband ok. Priorities, Kevin!! #Jennyisback
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
And that's a big kiss and a good night to you all. Mwahh!
— Juliana Dever (@CleverDever) March 26, 2013
For more behind the scenes tweets follow Juliana Dever, Brian Letscher, Christina Cox, Jeremy Valdez on Twitter.